======== Diagrams ======== .. contents:: :backlinks: top :depth: 3 -------- PlantUML -------- :Liens_Web: * `PlantUML - le site`_ * `PlantUML - Class Diagram`_ * `PlantUML - Language specification`_ * `PlantUML - la bible (PDF)`_ * `PlantUML - la bible (PDF - FR)`_ * `The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PlantUML!`_ .. _`PlantUML - le site`: https://plantuml.com/ .. _`PlantUML - Class Diagram`: https://plantuml.com/class-diagram#e5cec68ef9127fc4 .. _`PlantUML - Language specification`: https://plantuml.com/sitemap-language-specification .. _`PlantUML - la bible (PDF)`: http://plantuml.com/guide .. _`PlantUML - la bible (PDF - FR)`: http://plantuml.com/fr/guide .. _`The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PlantUML!`: https://crashedmind.github.io/PlantUMLHitchhikersGuide/ PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly **write** (not draw) a large panel of diagrams. Syntax and quick start ====================== Diagrams must be surrounded by 2 tags: .. code:: :number-lines: :force: @startuml ... @enduml #### -------- Weblinks -------- .. target-notes::