========= Bitbucket ========= .. index:: single: Bitbucket single: Git; Bitbucket .. contents:: :depth: 3 :backlinks: top #### .. note:: **Liens Web** * `overview of Bitbucket`_ .. _`overview of Bitbucket`: https://bitbucket.org/product/guides/getting-started/overview#bitbucket-software-hosting-options #### ---------- Workspaces ---------- **The worspace is bound to the user profil.** .. note:: Open the user menu (Top-Right) --> Select "All Workspaces" .. image:: images/allWorkspaces.png :width: 500 px :align: center #### --------------------------------------- Publishing a Website on Bitbucket Cloud --------------------------------------- .. note:: **Liens Web** * `Publishing a Website on Bitbucket`_ .. _`Publishing a Website on Bitbucket`: https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/publishing-a-website-on-bitbucket-cloud/ #### -------- Weblinks -------- .. target-notes::