Django 2

How Djano is structured

Model, View, Controller (MVC)

Django is a Model View Controller (MVC) framework.


MVC is a software design pattern that aims to separate application into three interconnected parts :

  1. Model : Provides the interface with the database containing the application data.

  2. View : Decides what informations to present to the user and collects information from the user.

  3. Controler : Manage the business logic for the application and acts as an information broker between the model and the view.

Model, Template, View (MTV)

Django’s terminology is slightly different than the MVC’s :

  1. Model : Is functionnaly the same. Django’s Object Relational Mapping (ORM) provides the interface between the user and your Django application.

  2. Template : Provide display logic and is the interface between the user and your application. It corresponds to the View in the MVC model

  3. View : manage the bulk of the applications data processing, application logic and messaging. It corresponds to the Controler in the MVC model

/!\ WARNING /!\:

There is no direct link between the « Model » and the « Template ». Only the « View » can interracting with the two other.



Object Relational Mapping : Provide a simple Mapping between an Object and the underlying database. The programmer doesn’t to know the database structure, nor does it require complex SQL to manipulate and retrieve data.

The model is the object that is mapped to the database. When you create a model, Django create a corresponding table in database. Each of your app’s models are a class that you create in your app’s models.py file.

  • Each model is a Python class that is a subclasses of django.db.models.Model

  • Each attribute of the model represent a database field.

The models.py file is automaticaly created inside the app’s directory, when you are using the startapp wizard.

Supported databases


Django officially supports four databases :

  • PostgreSQL

  • MySQL

  • SQLite

  • Oracle

By default, Django install SQLite automatically when you are using the stratproject wizard.

If you need to connect to an unofficially supported database, there are several third-party application available.



Django Template Language is a plain text scripting language that uses tags to provide presentation logic for deciding what content to display in the template.

A Django template is a text file designed to separate an application’s data from the way it is presented. It is not limited to HTML.

There are three big principles for the Django templates” :

  1. A template system should separate program logic from design.

  2. Templates should discourage redundancy (DRY : Don’t Repeat Yourself)

  3. The template system should be safe and secure. Code execution in the template must be forbiden.


Django’s views are the information brokers of a Django application. A view sources data from your database and delivers it to a template.

Views are represented by either a function, or a classes methode’s. Each view has an associated template.

The views.py file is automaticaly created inside the app’s directory, when you are using the startapp wizard.

Displaying error pages

There are four built-in function-based views for displaying error pages :

  • The 404 (page not found) view

  • The 500 (server error) view

  • The 403 (HTTP forbiden) view

  • The 400 (bad request) view

class-based views for simplifying common display tasks

There are several class-based views for simplifying common display tasks. They include:

  • ListView : for displaying a list of data objects.

  • DetailView : for displaying a single object

  • RedirectView : for redirecting to another URL

  • FormView : for displaying a form

URL Configuration (URLconf)

There are several URL Configuration’s file (urls.py) :

  • One into the Porject’s directory. It is created automatically with the « startproject wizard »

  • One per Application’s directory. Need to be created manually in every apps” directories.

URL Configuration decide which view (from views.py or forms.py files) will deal with the request. When Django finds a URL in urls.py that matches the request URL it calls the view associated with that URL. The selected view then renders the content to the template.


Automatic Admin Interface:

It reads metadata from your models to provide a quick, model-centric interface where trusted users can manage content on the Django’s project. It must be use as an internal management tool. It mustn’t be use for building the entire front end.

With Django’s admin you can :

  • Authenticate users.

  • Display and handle forms and validate input.

  • Provide a convinient interface to our models for adding content to our app.


The admin.py file is created with every apps when your are using the « startapp » wizard. It display your models in the Django admin’s pannel.

Install Django

Creating a project directory

The first thing to do is to create a project directory. The directory’s name can be modified later, but it can be easyer if you tag it whith « ROOT_ » followed by the name of the project :

mkdir ROOT_MySuperProject

Installing Django in a Virtual Environement


Assuming « virtualenv » is already installed.

  1. From root of project’s directory , create a subdirectory and then create your virtual environement into it.

    mkdir env_MySuperProject
    cd env_MySuperProject
    python -m virtualenv .
    # /!\ don't forget the dot at the end of the line
  2. Activate the Virtual Environement and install Django :

    pip install "django>=2.1, <2.2"
    pip install "psycopg2>=2.7,<3.0"
    ## autre solution avec un fichier 'requirements.txt
    # requirements.txt
    pip install -r requirements.txt

How to start and basic’s usages

Starting a project

  1. From root of project’s directory, run the « startproject » wizard :

    django-admin startporject [project_name]
    django-admin startporject mySuperProject
    A Directory will be created in the root directory.
  2. Creating a Database :

    cd mySuperProject
    python manage.py migrate

    The migrate command creates a new SQLite database and any necessary database tables according to the setting file created by the « startporject » command.

Django Shell and Developement Server

Django Shell

For testing some stuff, you can run a python shell that include the features of Django :

python manage.py shell

The developement Server

The developement Server is a lightweight Web server. It is only for the developement environement and mustn’t be use in production environement.

# To run the dev server :
python Manage.py runserver

# in Dev mode with Debug=False in the settings.py file
python manage.py run --insecure

# to use the dev server (in a web browser):

Django Settings (settings.py)


This file contains the configuration information for your Django project.

Django Applications

A Django application (app) is where the work is done. Good design practice says that each Django app should do one thing (ex: a blog, an article directory, a music collection, etc …). A Django project is the collection of apps and configuration settings that make up a Django website.

Creating an App

  1. Create an app

    # startapp syntaxe
    python manage.py startapp [app_name]
    # ex:
    python manage.py startapp pages
  2. Add the new app to the Django project

    All new app must be adding to the « settings.py ».

    Inside the « settings.py » file, there is a list named « INSTALLED_APPS ». This list contains all the apps that are installed in the Django project. We just have to add our new app to the top of this list.

    Django create « apps.py » inside every app. This file contains a configuration class named after your app. To register our app with Django, we need to point to this class. the path of this class looks like this :

    App's DIR --> apps.py --> [class named after your app]
    # ex for an app called "pages"

    The setting list « INSTALLED_APPS » should be :

        # more apps
/!\ WARNING /!\:

Applications must also be entered in the « urls.py » file of the project.

Configuring the URLs (urls.py)


The path() function is used to configure URLs. In its basic form, it as a very simple syntax :

path(route, view)

# ex:
path('mypage/', views.myview)

The application’s url

We need to create « urls.py » in every app’s directory and then we need to complete it with a few set of instruction.

  1. Creating app/urls.py

    cd [app_name]
    mkdir urls.py
  2. Import « path() » and app.views.py

    from django.urls import path
    from . import views
  3. Set the application’s namespace

    To avoid strange behavior if applications use a view with the same name, we need to set « app_name » with the application’s name.

    app_name = [Application's name]
    # ex:
    app_name = "pages"
  4. Set the urlpatterns

    urlpatterns = [
        # The '' is the default page
        path('', views.index, name='index'),

The minimum content of the application urls file looks like this :

from django.urls import path
from . import views

app_name = "pages"

urlpatterns = [
    # The '' is the default page
    path('', views.index, name='index'),

The site’s url (the Django’s project)

  1. Import « include »

import the « include » function in addition to the « path » function.

from django.urls import path, include
  1. Add the new url dispatcher to the urlpatterns

    urlpatterns = [
        path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
        path('', include('pages.urls')),
/!\ WARNING /!\:
  • “admin/” : must be the first entry in the patterns.

  • “” or “/” : Must be the last entry in the patterns.

# exemple of the project's file "urls.py"
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    # ...
    path('', include('pages.urls')),

apps” model (models.py)


Create the app class

  1. Create the app class

    In the models.py file of the app’s directory, create the app class. It must inherit from Django’s Model Class.

    # for an app called "page"
    class Page(models.Model):
  2. Define the field for the model

    These fields will have a corresponding field in the table that Django creates for the model in the databases.

    # exemple of some field you can create
    title = models.CharField(max_length=60)
    permalink = models.CharField(max_length=12, unique=True)
    update_date = models.DateTimeField('Dernière MAJ')
    bodytext = models.TextField('Page Content', blank=True)
  3. Adding Metadata information for sorting, select the DB Table, and so on.

    # exemple of a Meta class
    class Meta:
        ordering = ['title']
  4. returns a URL for displaying individual model records on the website

    Assume that the « model-detail-view » view is defined in « views.py ».

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        """Returns the url to access a particular instance of the model."""
        return reverse('model-detail-view', args=[str(self.id)])
  5. Return a human-readable version of the Pages class

    If python ask for a string representation of the Pages object, we need to create a special methode that return a human-readable string instead of the default string « Page object ».

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title

    N.B: Adding this method does not imply that you need to migrate the database again.

  6. Check files before migration

    python manage.py check
  7. Prepare for migration and then migrate

    # exemple for an app called "pages"
    python manage.py makemigrations pages
    python manage.py migrate

admin site (and admin.py)

Create a admin user (superuser)

Before using the admin site, you need to create a super-User.

python manage.py createsuperuser

>Username: ...
>Password: ...
>Password (again): ...

Registering model

For a model to be accessible from the admin, it need to be registered into the admin.py.

# admin.py
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Page    # Import the class from the "models.py" file of the app
                            # N.B: If "model.py" includes more than one class you
                            # can / should import them all and save it in the same way so
                            # that it is available on the admin page.


List_display, ordering and searh_fields

To change how a model is displayed in the admin interface, we need to define a ModelAdmin class (which describe the layout) and register it with the model. This class is called after the class” name of the « models.py » file + « Admin » in the admin.py file.

# Model's class name + "Admin"
# For a class called "Page" in models.py

class PageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    # [...]

In the Admin site, we need to sort pages and keep track of changes. We also need to be able to search a specific page. Add commands bellow to the admin’s model class.

  1. See last update to keep track of change

    # in the PageAdmin's class
    # 'title' and 'update_date' are fields displaying in the list of pages
    list_display = ('title', 'update_date')
  2. Sort the display list (ordering by “title”)

    # in the PageAdmin's class
    # 'title' is the field use to sort the list
    ordering = ('title',)
  3. Search a pages

    # in the PageAdmin's class
    # 'title' is the field should be search
    search_fields = ('title',)
  4. Add a filter in the admin page

    # Only elements matching to the filter will appear
  5. Add the class to the “admin.site.register

    admin.site.register(Page, PageAdmin)    # this must no be include into the
                                            # MadelAdmin class

    An alternative syntax for registering the MadelAdmin class is to use the register decorator:

    class PageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        # do some stuff like ...
        # list_display = ('title', 'update_date')
        # ordering = ('title',)
        # search_fields = ('title',)

Adding content

/!\ WARNING /!\:

When entering the page content (TextField), remember that it needs to be HTML to display well in your browser.

Django Templates


Template Settings

For Django to show your site template, it first must know where to look for template file(s). To bind a template to the project, you must complete the TEMPLATES[“DIR”] in the settings.py file.

Not all template files will be tied to a particuliar app. The “DIRS” setting is usefull for linking to templates that exit elsewere in your project structure.

  1. Add a template’s path to TEMPLATES[“DIRS”]

    # Exemple for a template in the project's dir, and not bind to a specific app.
    # In the settings.py file
            # ...
            'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'fdw/templates')],
            'APP_DIRS': True,
            # ...
    • For an app’s template, the path must be “[app’s_dir]/templates”

    • If “APP_DIRS” is Ture, Django will look for a folder named templates in each of your apps. Default is True.

  2. Create the templates” dir into the project’s dir
    # in the same dir of the *settings.py* file
    mkdir templates

    N.B: For an app’s template, you must create the template’s dir in the same dir of the views.py file.

base.html file

The base.html file is the “model” that the other web pages will inherit from, to avoid to rewrite the same code again and again (DRY). In the child page, only some specific blocks will be rewritten.

The content of this specific bloks will be replace in the child page only if it is necessary.

<!-- base.html -->
{% block h1_title %}
    <h1>Base h1 title</h1>
{% enblock h1_title %}
{% block parragraph %}
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Quis, accusantium beatae
        rem, cum quam, quaerat omnis ad consectetur eligendi placeat minima illo modi culpa
        expedita at reprehenderit corporis suscipit pariatur!
{% enblock parragraph %}
<!-- child.html -->
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block h1_title %}
    <h1>Child h1 title</h1>
{% endblock h1_title %}
{% block parragraph %}
{% enblock parragraph %}

It is a good practice to create the first « web page » under the project_site’s folder :

|   [...]
|   |
|   \---templates
|           base.html
+---App's folder

The app’s html template

If an app need a html template, we need to create a dir “templates” in the app’s root dir. We also need to create a new dir nammed as the app inside the templates dir.

+---pages                       <-- app's name
|   |   [...]
|   |
|   +---migrations
|   |
|   \---templates
|       \---pages
|               contact.html
|               page.html       <-- inherit from 'base.html'

Static Files


Static Files are : Images, CSS and JavaScript. Django keep static media in a different directory to the rest of the application. The directory is defined in the settings.py file and is called static by default. Until the site is in developement, the static dir need to be in the project_site’s dir, at the same level of the templates” dir.

|   |   [...]
|   |
|   +---static
|   |       logo.jpg
|   |       main.css
|   |       top_banner.png
|   |
|   \---templates
+---App's folder
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

To find the static files for our site, we need to add a static file’s dir :

# Look for static files in the 'static' directory  in our site root
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'fdw/static'),

To load static file in the template, we need to add it (with the template syntax) at the top of the Template. After that, to call / load a specific file from the static’s dir, we need to use the “static” key word.

# To load static file
{% load static %}

# to call / load a specific file from the static's dir
{% static 'logo.jpg' %}

Exemple code :

{% load static %}
<!doctype html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Untitled Document</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'main.css' %}" type="text/css">
        <div id="wrapper">
            <header id="header">
                <div id="logo">
                    <img src="{% static 'logo.jpg' %}" alt=""/>

Django’s Error Page


When you’re running a public site you should always turn off the DEBUG setting (in the settings.py’s file). That will make your server run much faster, and will also prevent malicious users from seeing details of your application that can be revealed by the error pages.

If DEBUG = True, Django will display à Template-loader postmortem to show where things went wrong.

One simple way for testing is to make sure the view is passing the right information back to the template is to use Django’s error page to examine output of the view. For forcing the error page to appear, add « assert false » just before the return line in the views.py.

def index(request):
    # [...]
    context = {
        # [...]
    assert false    # If this line is not commented, the return will be false
                    # and the function will recive an exit signal
    return render(request, 'base.tml', context)

N.B: Don’t forget to comment the “assert” line for the standard behavior.

The Django’s Error page in Dev mode

  • Exception Type : first two line of error’s page is the Exception Type. It help to understand what went wrong.

  • Traceback : In the Traceback, the bold line is the were the exption was raise.


Django’s forms are a easy way to create, in the template, a form from the model.

Django handles three distinct parts of the work involved in forms

  • preparing and restructuring data to make it ready for rendering

  • creating HTML forms for the data

  • receiving and processing submitted forms and data from the client



Django provide the EmailMessage class for sending and reciving Email. By default EMAIL_BACKEND is set to use the Console backend witch is sending email from form to the console. For the list of available backends see Sending email to use it in production.

Django’s View (views.py)


At the fundamental level, a view function is a Python function that take a Web request and returns a Web response. This response can be the HTML contents of a Web page, or a redirect, or a 404 error, or an XML document, or an image, or anything.

class-based views


Django provide a lot of class-based views to simplifying developement.

# exemple for "ListView"

## quotes/views.py
from django.views.generic.list import ListView
from .models import Quote

File Uploads




Mixins are a form of multiple inheritance where behaviors and attributes of mulptiple classes can be modified.


A QuerySet represents a collection of objects from your database. It can have zero, one or many filters. Filters narrow down the query results based on the given parameters. In SQL terms, a QuerySet equates to a SELECT statement, and a filter is a limiting clause such as WHERE or LIMIT.

# example
Blog.objects.all()  # returns a QuerySet that contains all Blog objects in the
                    # database.

                    # returns a QuerySet that contains only blog's entries of
                    # the year 2006

Apply to the DataBase, but is used in the « Views.py » and « forms.py » files


Slug is a newspaper term. A slug is a short label for something, containing only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens. They’re generally used in URLs. For example, in a typical blog entry URL:


the last bit (spring) is the slug.


Apply to the DataBase (models.SlugField)
