Pentest Distribution

the distributions below have allmost all tools needed for a pentester. However it is possible to install individualy every tool in a non-dedicated os like Ubuntu, Debian and so on.

KALI Linux


Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering.

Install and upgrade tools

On a new install of Kali, we need to update, upgrade and fix tools

1   sudo apt update && apt install git
2   cd /opt
3   git clone https://github.com/Dewalt-arch/pimpmykali
4   cd pimpmykali
5   sudo ./pimpmykali.sh

Parrot Security OS


Parrot OS, is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian and designed with Security and Privacy in mind. It includes a full portable laboratory for all kinds of cyber security operations, from pentesting to digital forensics and reverse engineering, but it also includes everything needed to develop your own software or keep your data secure.

Ennumeration tool

Ennumeration tools can provide quickly all elements relative to a specific domain (or a web site). They are generaly use the OSINT search methodes.

Exemple of data type :
  • subdomain

  • email adress

  • directory and subdirectory

  • file list

  • and so on

Google dork


Search Engines can be the best « hacker’s » friend to enumerate, performe an OSINT or doing social engenering. Search engine provide a lot of « hiden » helpfull functionnality to do some specific search.



GoBuster is a tool used to brute-force URIs (directories and files), DNS subdomains and virtual host names.



Sublist3r is a python tool designed to enumerate subdomains of websites using OSINT. It helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather subdomains for the domain they are targeting. Sublist3r enumerates subdomains using many search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu and Ask. Sublist3r also enumerates subdomains using Netcraft, Virustotal, ThreatCrowd, DNSdumpster and ReverseDNS.

crt.sh (website)


permform a analyse on a domain name to list the sub-domain based on the certificat.



The OWASP Amass Project performs network mapping of attack surfaces and external asset discovery using open source information gathering and active reconnaissance techniques.



theHarvester is a very simple to use, yet powerful and effective tool designed to be used in the early stages of a penetration test or red team engagement. Use it for open source intelligence (OSINT) gathering to help determine a company’s external threat landscape on the internet. The tool gathers emails, names, subdomains, IPs and URLs using

1# theHaverester manual
2python3 theHarvester.py -h




Ports scanner



Nmap (« Network Mapper ») is a free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and official binary packages are available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. In addition to the classic command-line Nmap executable, the Nmap suite includes an advanced GUI and results viewer (Zenmap), a flexible data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool (Ncat), a utility for comparing scan results (Ndiff), and a packet generation and response analysis tool (Nping).

 1# nmap
 2nmap -A -p- -T4 <ip ou plage ip>
 4# Par défaut, le scan s'effectue sur le TCP (-sS). Pour forcer le scan en UCP il faut
 5# utiliser l'option -sU.
 7# -A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute
 9# -p-: permet de scanner tous les ports si le deuxième "-" est absent, seuls les 1000
10#      Premiers ports seront scanner
12# -T4: permet de déterminer la vitesse du scan 0-lent --> 5-rapide
.. warning::

Attention il n’y a pas de time out en UDP. Le scan peux donc durer indéfiniment. Il est donc conseiller de ne scanner que les 1000 premiers ports.

Performe a ping sweep with nmap

1sudo nmap -sn

This option tells Nmap not to do a port scan after host discovery and only print the available hosts that respond to the probe. The default host discovery done with -sn consists of an ICMP echo request, TCP SYN to port 443, TCP ACK to port 80, and an ICMP timestamp request by default.

N.B : In previous releases of Nmap, -sn was known as -sP.

Vulnerability Searching



ExploitDB tends to be very useful for hackers, as it often actually contains exploits that can be downloaded and used straight out of the box. It tends to be one of the first stops when you encounter software in a CTF or pentest.

If you’re inclined towards the CLI on Linux, Kali comes pre-installed with a tool called « searchsploit » which allows you to search ExploitDB from your own machine. This is offline, and works using a downloaded version of the database, meaning that you already have all of the exploits already on your Kali Linux!

1# Update database
2searchsploit -u
4# perform search
5# searchsploit [App_name]
6searchsploit wordpress 5



NVD keeps track of CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) – whether or not there is an exploit publicly available – so it’s a really good place to look if you’re researching vulnerabilities in a specific piece of software. CVEs take the form: CVE-YEAR-IDNUMBER

CVE Mitre


The mission of the CVE® Program is to identify, define, and catalog publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities.



Centre gouvernemental de la veille, d’alerte et de réponse aux attaques informatiques

Linux command



ssh-add to add your key to your current ssh-agent ssh-add -d to remove it off your ssh-agent

N.B : Lorsqu’une clef RSA est récupérée depuis un partage SMB saisir la command :

chmod 600 [Fichier_RSA]